Thursday, January 01, 2015

How I Create my own Photography Lightbox

Here is what I have been to do since the start of 2014. But because of my work, I haven't got the chance to prepare what I need to do this Project. Now, before ending 2014 I just manage to finish it and today I had finalized it before posting it here.

Here are the things we need to do this Project:
1. 2pcs Unused Box (Must be sturdy - in my case, I used 2pcs of LBC Kilobox5 with the dimension of 14x10.5x7in)
2. Aluminum Foil (I bought a 15m by 30cm for future use)
3. 2pcs 23watt Fluorescent Spiral Light Bulb (You can buy a higher wattage depends on the size of your Lightbox)
4. Tapes (Masking, Packing, Double Sided - much better if you would buy the clear tapes)
5. 2pcs Bulb Socket (I bought the sockets with built-in Switches - if you can't find the one with built-in Switch, you need to buy a separate switch for your bulb)
6. 2pcs Plugs (Much better if color coded - Black/White)
7. Flat Wires (Be sure to buy the wire that is compatible for Bulb use - the length will depend on your preference)
8. Tools (Flat Cutters, Scissors, Screwdriver)
9. Tracing Paper (it will be the diffuser of the Light coming out from the Lightbox)

First, I removed the cover of the Box and used it for creating an angled edge (I had the angle in 45degrees) on the sides of the box. I also created a hole that is fit for the Bulb Socket.

Then I assembled the Plugs, Wires and Sockets. I also tested it with the Bulb after assembling.

Here is the pre-assembled Lightbox.

The next step was adding the Aluminum Foil into the inside of the Box. What I did with the Aluminum Foil is that I slowly crumpled it to have those creases. This will help the light bounce more off to the inside of the Box.

Here I built the Diffuser that will be the cover of my Lightbox. First I created a frame using some of the excess Carton that would fit to front of the Box, then l laid the tracing paper on it.

The purpose why I created a Frame for the tracing paper so it won't be hassle to be changing it worn out as well as if the Bulb would encounter a problem I can easily remove the cover without ruining my Lightbox.

I finalized my Lightbox by covering the outside with a Foil Cover (not Aluminum Foil) to make it look neat and nice.

Here is what it look like when the Lightbox are lighted. It is not that clear if the light is bright enough because the Room light is turned on. I will try to do a continuation for this post as on how I prepare my Photoshoot using this Lightbox.
This lightbox main purpose is for Photography but you can also use this for anything that you need a bright light like this. Now that I successfully finished this Project I have to thank my Facebook Friend Heero Yuy for the Idea for this Lightbox. That's it for now. Thanks for your time. Happy New Year to all.

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